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Good Vibes is a project about creating a new and fun way to experience music. The product is a vest with many vibration motors sewed within, and each of them are a part of a variety of patterns that are activated by different sounds. Each sound is linked to either a sequence of vibrations or a combination of different motors that activate simultaneously. The chosen sounds are not the typical notes found in musical instruments, but rather a collage of different sounds, making the audible experience a new one as well. When a user presses a key on the launchpad, processing determines which key was pressed, and plays the right audio file and sends an output to the right motors. 

From this project I learned 1) that sewing a vest is harder than it seems 2)how to connect a Novation launchpad to processing 3)how to use the minim library

If I had 3 more weeks to remake my project, I think it would be fun to have 2 vests, to be used by friends. One friend would control the vest of the other person and vice versa. Not only would this still be a tactile way to experience sound but also a fun way to interact with friends and create music together.

Front motors.thumb
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