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Background Research

E-commerce and monthly subscription based services have been on the rise this decade. People have given their credit card information to these services and they get charged annually, quarterly or even monthly. Many transactions go through without the user even knowing about it. A simple device that notifies the user for every bank transaction made could help them be mindful of their spending patterns.

Concept Generation & Refinement

We started with a tip jar for coffee shops and a simple way to say 'thank you'. A blooming flower with an LED smiley felt like the right design.

However, after a couple of prototypes, that was not enough. Taking inspiration from various floral designs, we decided to incorporate arrangements like vines. Our final design; A handcrafted wooden stand inspired by the neck of a swan, with yellow flowers arranged in a vine like presentation.

A Particle Photon, break beam sensors and a few LEDs helped us create this device.

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We first worked on the basic circuit for the IR-beam sensor with a simple LED indicator light that sensed if something was dropped into the Tip jar.

We then added the Servo motor as an additional output along with the simple LED indicator. The servo motor was used to actuate the ‘blooming of the flower’ in response to a Tip given - either dropped into the Jar or Swiped by card on the Register.

Once the servo motor was suitably calibrated, the ornamental LEDs on the flowers were added.

We then worked on getting the same response to a tip made by swiping a card to the register. Assuming the Cash Register to be in the form of a Google Sheet, we worked on connecting the Google sheet input to the system. This was done via IFTTT RSS feed.

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blooming flower prototype for IoT version 1

A video posted by Chenyu (@chenyu.wanghao) on

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Bill Of Materials

Sr. No




Particle Photon



IR beam sensor

1 pair


LED big (ornamental)



LED small (indicator)



Glass Jar (Tip jar)



Jumper wires



Color Paper



Wooden Arch



Masking tape


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1. Enhance the skills in operating Particle.

2. Practiced in design circuit.

3. Practiced 3D prototyping skills.

4. Work in integrated team with business, engineering, and design background. 

Next Step:

We would like to conduct user research to understand our potential customers' needs & wants and further refine our product.

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