Our project was conceptualized based on the long term requirement of wanting to "actually be" with the other person,even though they are speaking with each other through various video chat methods.The developed system,would consist of a camera,that could pan throughout the location of the two people involved in the chat,offering a panoramic view.
Our proto is a simplified version of this complete solution.We have tried to achieve the mechanism of viewing the entire span of the room,based on a control input.
Two photons have been used to communicate as two different systems. In each of the system,a potentiometer and servo system have been used. The rotation of the servo (from 0 to 360 degree) resembles the camera's rotation in the final system.
The angle of servo's rotation can be controlled using the output from potentiometer.
The circuit is represented as:
The working is that,based on the input from Room A's Potentiometer(POT "A"),the Servo in Room B is actuated,according to the required co-ordinate system,so that both the speakers can have a good view of their surrounding.The same holds good for the inverse condition too(i,e;)the Room B's pot(POT "B")actuates the Room A's servo parallel to the previous operation.
We had realized that technology could also be used to connect people on an emotional level.The task of setting up a communication between the two devices and ensure their alternate functioning was a bit tedious.The future work could be, improving the devices used,in place of a potentiometer, to a vision system with image processing technologies.
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