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The gym is a place frequented by many. It is associated with fitness, diet, nutrition, confidence, discipline and overall health. In the current scenario where almost all aspects of our life are 'smart' and connected, the concept of the gym as an ecosystem of connected devices is a logical next step. Almost all devices in this domain, both on the market and future concepts, are designed with the intention to better provide data regarding workouts and sports. Current devices tend to offer solutions designed to make exercise more convenient and resource efficient, such as the barbells that can change their weight through centrifugal force, magnets, or other methods. However, there is no efficient usage of the data to provide tangible improvements or effective recommendations to the users.  We aim to create and demonstrate a connected ecosystem for a gym in the year 2021 that not only converts this raw data to useful information for the user, but also uses this information to enrich their experience in a tangible way.

We found that gym users are interested in understanding their nutrition requirements and consuming food that most effectively supports their workouts to attain their fitness goals. An overwhelming amount of data on the matter is available online but users are unable to translate this data to their customized workouts. Guided by our findings and insights from primary and secondary research, this project focusses on deeper biological data, and the relationship between the food supply and the way your body is using it and aims to convert the existing gym ecosystem into the ecosystem in our vision.

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To create extended ecosystem of connected devices that optimizes fitness performance outcomes through precise diet and exercise feedback.  

Design Process

We followed these steps to create our gym ecosystem:

1. Stakeholder Map : All the stakeholders who would be affected by this ecosystem were identified and positioned on the map. The gym user was identified as our primary stakeholder and the other stakeholders are placed relative to the user on the map based on their relevance and importance.

2. User Interviews : Gym users were interviewed to understand their routine, diet and exercise preferences and likes and dislikes with respect to the gym. Some of the quotes are as below:

“I track my workout sessions carefully every time” 

“I prefer to participate in group exercises with friends. Weights bore me”  

“Runkeeper is my best friend when it comes to fitness. I use it to track all my cardio workouts”  

“I go to the gym for weights only. I don’t find cardio useful”  

"I don't know how to supplement my workout with the correct diet"


3. SET Factors: Social factors, economic forces and technological trends for 2021 were identified and the most important and relevant ones were highlighted. These trends were considered in the design of our ecosystem.

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4. Ideation and Concept Generation: Based on the insights we gained, the team brainstormed and decided to create an ecosystem based on real-time tracking of biological data and nutrient and consumption water intake. Image boards were created for inspiration.

5. Prototyping: Prototypes of the devices by created by the teams. Many iterations resulted in a refined concept. Next, the devices were connected with each other to test for optimal data exchange. Finally, the devices were connected to the website which shows real-time data of the workout.

The Concept

There are 3 main devices from our ecosystem used by the user in the gym. A sweatband embedded with a moisture sensor checks the hydration level of the user and reminds them to hydrate as they are busy working out and may not pay attention to their water intake. This data is sent to the cloud and also to the website. The other device is the flex band that detects muscle activity during the exercise and measures the number of reps, sets and also the calories burnt. The band can be moved on to any limb that is being exercised. A similar device would be the lat machine (which represents any weight machine in the gym). These devices transmit their data to the cloud, to the website and to the next device, the food dispenser. The food dispenser decides the amount of liquid soylent that is to be dispensed to the user after each workout based on their calorie count and  dehydration levels.

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Device 1

Sweat Sensing Band

This device is used to give an important information regarding the hydration level of the users,and the liquid intake required by them.They function by taking the moisture (based on circuit resistance) exhausted by the user as input and accordingly evaluates them based on set thresholds. It finally communicates to the gym goer, if they are hydrated in sufficient amounts or de-hydrated,after which the required intake is prescribed.The output data is stored in the cloud for further processing by other devices,displayed on the OLED Screen and is also published on the website foe easy accessibility by the users.

Components Used:

1. Particle Photon

2. Moisture sensor 

3. Jumper wires (many)

4. OLED Display Screen

5. Power supply - 5V

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Device 2 (A)

Muscle Sensor Tape

This device helps in measuring the muscle flexibility,particularly while using dumb bells and doing push ups. It takes the Pressure change as a parameter for each cycle of expansion and contraction of the muscles.Based on this change,the rep and calories expended by the user are logged on the website.

Components Used:

1. FSR (force sensitive resistor- SEN-09673 )

2. 10 Kilo Ohm resistor

3. Particle Photon

4. Connecting wires

5. 9V Battery Pack

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Device 2 (B)

Lat machine sensor

This sensor is used in each of the LAT devices to monitor the user's exercise cycle.Each time,the user,for a particular weight,attached to the machine,the following parameters are measured:

1. The distance of the pull action,taken from the ultra-sonic sensor.

2.The number of times the action is performed using the break-beam sensor(it serves as the counter)

Based on these two values,with respect to a particular weight attached,the calories consumed by the user for the entire workout session is calculated.This data is then sent to Device 3 ,for providing the users with a proper diet supplement .

Components Used:

1. Break Beam sensor

2.Ultrasonic distance sensor

3. Particle Photon

4. Bread Board and Connecting wires

5. 9V Battery pack

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Device 3

Soylent Dispenser

This device is used to dispense the required intake for the user ,based on the workout done by them.Currently,we have gone with dispensing of the soylent,but it can be extended to provide a nutritious dietary system,that also enables the gym goer to take the necessary supplements to enhance his stamina.  It  takes the input from the Lat machine ,in the form of calories expended by the user.Based on the information,the dispenser is made to take a decision as to what is the right quantity of soy-lent needed by the user.Providing this feedback to the user,allows them to easily decide their duet and supplements for a proper and better gym experience.

Components Used:

1.Particle Photon

2.OLED Display Screen

3.Bread Board with Connecting wires

4. Cardboard Prototype 

5.Power Supply

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The entire  process is made accessible for the users through the website-IoTing. All data,from each of the devices,is pushed to the cloud, where it is imported, combined, and analyzed on a user-friendly website.Here,the dynamically changing result for each exercise can be easily viewed by the users.

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Image Board

In order to develop a better understanding of the scenario,we tried capturing the opportunity through the use of images.  It helped in identifying the key parameters to formulate our solution,some of them being healthy food,having the right portions,gym experience for users,etc...

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Reflection and Next Steps

It was observed that developing three concepts in a single ecosystem,was quite challenging . However,after developing the concepts,we realized that they had the potential to be taken further over a longer time frame.This could be done by collecting and analyzing more data ,once the system comes into use,which would lead to precise results.The device configurations and linking can be done by a centralized system like an Admin Panel.We understood that the user experience plays an important role,when the IoT technology is developed.So,the proposed devices could be upgraded further using advanced technology and made aesthetically appealing.Also the food dispenser technique,could be improved and new concepts and feedback systems can be incorporated in the same.

Working as team of 10,with greater deliverable in a shorter span of time,helped a lot in the brainstorming and concept development stages.We understood the possibility of creating an entire eco-system using the Internet of Things.

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