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Project Proposal

Dancing is fun an dancing makes you sweat. That's why dancing is time and time again been incorporated in various workout routines. That's why the 80s exercise-ready dressed folks' costumes have become immortalized. Reaching into this imagery and powerful tradition of exercising with a twist of fun, I bring those aspects in my mentality creating my project. I want to make an uninterrupted, continuous dance-based workout video. I will look for modeled "uniformed" characters, home instruction videos, and 80s pop music to convey a exercise-inducing video. 

At the time of writing, specific videos and songs are difficult to name, because they appear so often on the internet title-less and source-unrecognized. They exist as a collection that in vague connection constitutes a genre. Along with my video, I'm curious to see how my creation will relate to its genre and whether giving the video a name and specific "rallying cry" will in effect simultaneously dissipate the individual components' characteristic overarching vibrancy and accompanying playfulness (almost to the extent of carelessness). At that point will the product that I yield be considered one as the original but in greater scale or will that product no longer bear the nature of its constituent parts?

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First Cut Implementation - UPDATE!!

Here's the link to what I have so far in the project:

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