Initially, with the project I wanted to try to make a mashup of anime openings to "Celebrate anime". However, quickly I found that this broad and vague premise was not working at all, as I could not find a focus for the video I was to make.
Then, I experimented with Audacity to try to mix two songs, Renai Circulation with a different cutesy song, Platinum Disco. Both are from the same series of anime, the latter from Nisemonogatari. However, I found that A) the songs did not match exactly as I wanted them to do, and B) there already were mashups between the two songs.
After that I attempted to mashup Renai with Guren no Yumiya, but as I mentioned before, the Beats Per Minute were completely off, and so made for ugly sounding music.
Finally, I decided to go back to the video and try to make something with the actual opening that used Renai Circulation. And since I had Attack on Titan on the brain, I decided that in the spirit of both as memes, I wanted to create something funny with both that would let people laugh. Renai is cute, Guren is serious. When they meet, penpineapple--- *cough* I mean... When they meet, comedy must come from it, right? (and yes, the odd idea of chunking video together may also have been slightly influenced by the PPAP video... I get inspiration from weird sources).
From there I started cutting together openings alongside the full song of Guren no Yumiya, and... to my half surprise... the cuts actually fit really well with the song. It was like I was actively proving that meme to be correct while creating the video.
However, I suddenly ran into a few setbacks. There was only so much footage I could get from the Bakemonogatari opening. But to counter that, I decided to double up on some keys from the opening.
But that wouldn't be interesting. So I started looking through the color options in iMovie (I'm sorry... to both the quality and myself. This project really taught me about iMovie's limitations), and stumbled upon the first one; changing the colors so that reds stood out. The result was a cute girl face, but completely red. Almost like she was angry. And that was right near the swell in the song to the action-y portion.
At the same time, I knew that that would only work for a little bit; there were only so many color extremes that would fit well with the "story" I was starting to weave". And so afterwards I decided to look through more effects, and found the other effects available that iMovie had in stock. From there I experimented with effects until I was satisfied with the tone for the particular clip, and as I neared the end, I had a nicely flowing video on my screen...
The ending. I didn't know what to do for that.
Thankfully, I was playing around with the Nisemonogatari opening with Platinum disco, a video with another cutesy girl in it.
And for my ending, to leave it on a "cliffhanger", although Renai Circulation girl had been defeated, in her wake... Platinum Disco would arise.
So in summary, I created a video in which Renai Circulation invades the anime world, they first suffer a few defeats and loose hope, but in one more final push, they defeat her... only to have to start the whole thing again...