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I wanted to take the Serenade of Water and create a physical representation of it. It's a very simple, calming song and one of my favorites from the Legend of Zelda video games. 

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The final produce is a wire-art version of a waveform that includes both sound and water waves, with blue ribbon woven through the wire. The ribbon is silky and smooth and softens the rigidity of the wire to make it more like the softness of the song.

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I wanted to do something with the waveform of the song and I figured that I should replace some of the sound waves with water waves. The waveform alone felt too stiff to accurately represent the song so I added ribbons. I chose blue for the ribbons to represent to ocean again. In the process of weaving the ribbon through, I accidentally began to bend the wire into a more circular shape. I kept it because the music itself is quite repetitive so having the waveform be circular would represent how cyclic the sound was. 

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I think that I captured the aesthetics of the audio to the best of my ability with wire. I would like to have made the form smoother and more accurate to the songs actual waveform, but with the tools and skill I had I wasn't able to. I'm overall pleased with the final product, as I feel it does evoke the same calm that the song does. That being said, I would rather have the ribbons appear to be less cluttered.

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