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An online poll was conducted to see where students like to study in their free time. Three questions were asked:

1. Where do you prefer to study?

The results showed that majority of the students like studying on-campus during the weekdays presumably because it is easier to juggle between classes. However, they like studying off-campus on the weekends.

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2. What is your preferred on-campus study location?

The second question deals with the places students generally visit to study on campus. The results show that while Hunt Library is one of the major choices, others include Sorrells Library and Margaret Morrison building (it could be because the respondents were mainly graduate architecture students).

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3. What is your preferred off-campus location?

Most of the students chose their respective homes, Starbucks or other coffee shops and Carnegie Library.

The results helped us in narrowing down places visited by students so that we can get some noise level measurements and choose the best option depending upon if it is a weekday or a weekend.

Process and Analysis

Based on the survey results, we divided our survey locations among us and went there twice – once on the weekday and again on the weekend. We collected the noise level data using Decible 10 application on our smartphones for a stretch of two minutes and exported the CSV file for further analysis. Before taking individual readings on our smartphones, we took a calibration reading which was conducted in an ongoing studio to see the difference in reception of our smartphones. All the readings were accordingly calibrated after exporting the data in MS Excel.

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The above graph shows us the variation in noise levels during the two-minute long collection of data. We can see that while the noise levels mostly fluctuated between 50Db to 60Db, there was one value of close to 70Db which can be considered as an outlier. If we analyze all the data collectively, we can find the range of noises observed in various locations and surroundings.

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While the first two graphs do a pretty good job in detailing the range of noise levels observed at various locations. The extremities of the observed value could also be misleading as they could just be one-time occurrences. Figure 6 provides a better understanding of the environment with respect to the noise levels. The optimal noise level for studying is 50Db and therefore, any value around that is considered good for concentration.

Squirrel Hill coffee shops were the most quieter ones especially Dobra Tea café having a median noise level of 45Db. However, due to heavy footfall over the weekends, the median noise level increased to 57Db. It can also be observed that the places in Shadyside and Oakland were noisier and far away from the optimal noise level than the rest of the locations. Another surprising result was that of Frick Gallery, which is one of the noisiest over the weekends but one of the quietest over the weekends.


In conclusion, it is safe to say that while coffee shops are the quietest in general whether it is weekday or weekends. However, Gates-Hillman Center, Sorrells Library and Hunt Library also do a pretty good job in providing a quiet space for studying on campus. Also, places in Shadyside and Oakland must be avoided except Hillman Library and Frick Library can be approached on the weekends.  

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