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My roommate and I have an assortment of mugs and tall glasses in our apartment, but we lack smaller, more lightweight cups. My idea was to create a pair of fairly simplistic and cute looking cups. 


My apartment's style is modern and is composed of many geometric objects and amenities, so I wanted my cups to be fairly modern and geometric as well. I used some of the glasses and mugs in my apartment for reference in scaling my own 3D-printed cups. Here are some that I took into consideration:

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Here are some inspirations and preliminary sketches:

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I liked the idea of vertical ribs because isn't plain but it has a simple geometry that goes with the apartment. I decided to explore angle of the cup's edges and the density of the ribs in some more sketches:

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After getting a good sense of the form and ribs of my cup, I used a ruler to measure the dimensions of an existing glass in my apartment to get a relative measurement for my cup dimensions. This is when I decided on a bottom diameter of 60 mm and a height of 90 mm. Here is the glass I used for reference:

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When I began creating my first iteration in Fusion360, I tested many spline shapes and applied them to a circular pattern to create the ribs of the cup. This was probably the most challenging part since I couldn't seem to form the idea rib shape at first. Sometimes the ribs were asymmetrical and other times they were too curvy. When I was finally satisfied with the shape, I extruded the sides and closed the bottom. 

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When I looked at my first iteration, I felt like something was lacking. In thinking about potential additions, I realized that I've seen many short-rimmed mugs and ribbed glasses online and in real life, but I haven't seen many reusable cups that are both short-rimmed and ribbed. In my next iteration, I wanted to combine these two features together.

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After adding a short rim, I realized that it looked too much like a trash bin. It was not only too sharp and aesthetically unpleasing, but it would be uncomfortable to drink from. In my next iteration, I decided to add fillets to the rim to round the corners. 

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I created an STL final from my final Fusion360 design and sent it to the 3D printer, giving it a 7.5% infill. Here are some different angles of my final cup.

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One of my biggest challenges was trying to develop the best curvature and pattern for the ribbed surface of the cup. I tried to extrude different patterns, but kept having to go back and change the spline. This is because what I anticipated at the 2D stage did not resemble what I actually saw after extrusion, in the 3D stage. In the future, I would try to create more detailed sketches ahead of time. Another thing I learned is to modify original designs and sketches in order explore new options. Taking risks is important in achieving the best version of a product.

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