

My housemate has trouble waking up in the morning. I have created a system which will soak his bed with a spray bottle if he doesn't get up.


Projects quite similar to this have been done, but this alarm clock has more nuanced interactions. Using IFTTT to trigger particle functions has been done, as well as connecting a squirt gun to an alarm clock.


Parts list
  • Spray bottle
  • 1 servo
  • 1 piezo motion sensors
  • Microcontroller (photon)
  • Button/switch
  • LED
  • IFTTT installed
  • Resistor
  • Wires
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If the user first does not wake up, they will be repeatedly sprayed with more water. After the first volley of water, the user has 10 seconds to get out of bed and trigger the motion sensor. If the user remains motionless, the second volley of water will begin. The second volley of water can be stopped if the user presses the "off" button.

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I learned how to first code and test smaller components of a larger IoT project and combine them into a cohesive project. My initial intent changed slightly, as I incorporated motion sensors to check whether the user had awoken versus to aim the spray bottle.

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