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I had once learned to knit 10 years ago and I thought it would be interesting to pursue this skill again. I wanted to see if I could remember how to knit and then learn more complex knitting patterns. 


I borrowed some knitting needles and yarn from the class and used online guides to teach myself how to knit. I couldn't remember how to cast on and cast off knitting, so I looked up a simple guide ( and knit a practice patch. I then learned how to purl from another guide I found (, did a few practice rows, and then did the rest of the sample as alternating rows of knit and purl. I then tried to do a sample of a single basket weave (, but after doing 12 rows of the pattern the results weren't great because the yarn I had was too large and I had messed up some of the stitches. I hadn't realized at first that when switching between knit and purl in one row, you have to put the free string back or forward, respectively. I then switched to the simple basket weave ( which was a simpler pattern and had much better results.


The knitting skills that I learned can be applied to many different projects. Using only knit and purl stitches, many different patterns can be done and many different items can be made. Simple two dimensional patterns can be made, and three dimensional structures can be made using different types of knitting needles. In addition, learning more complex patterns and stitches can expand the number of options.

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I really enjoyed taking this micro course because I feel like I was introduced to a wide variety of soft fabrication methods and that I did learn a good amount of basics for each skill. I now feel confident in knowing some background that if I did want to pursue a deeper learning of a particular topic, I would feel comfortable doing so. I personally found the smart textiles class to be particularly interesting because I had never been exposed to it before. It was great seeing how art and technology can combine in ways that benefit both art and technology. 

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