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Project breakdown 

1) Brainstorming & Group Activity

Initially, we rapid brainstormed a list of ideas for three minutes. Some of our favorite ideas were:

a cup that vibrates when it's been empty, full, or untouched for too long (good for social drinking)

 a remote app that allows the owner to interact and take care of their pet

an app for detecting the stress level of and soothing a long-distance partner

a remote night-light that allows one to communicate their status, especially if they're up to talk or not. 

At the end, we decided we liked the idea of strengthening long-distance relationships. After some time, we chose an idea of a two teddy-bear system that could poke their partner awake. 

2.) Iteration


Originally, we started building the project with a clicker, a relay, a resistor and a solenoid. We use a 2.2-5V plug to power the relay that should have needed 9V power and by some stroke of ingenious fate, it worked. 

However, because it was incorrect and wasn't actually supposed to work, we tried a different method. 


We tried using a transistor instead of a relay. It was supposed to be more stable, and we were given this diagram for help. However, in the process of trying this out, we killed two Particle devices. Booooo. 

This is how we wired it up before the particle short-circuited: 

We also sent 12 V through it. When we first did this, we freaked out bc we didn't know what to do without enough particles. We asked the grad class TA, Roberto, for help. 

A snippet of remotely diagnosing our Particle device.

After they were confirmed dead, we went home. 


The next day, we went back bright and early to try again. We ended up with something like this: 

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