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The intention of this project was to create a form with some kind of joint using the laser cutter or 3d printer. My original conception of this project was a kinetic sculpture that included up to 12 individual joints. As the deadline approached I realized that my original goal was not viable so I decided to shift to a project that focussed on a single simple joint.

My new project was to create a rotational joint for my stuffed drill for the Inflatables and Soft Fabrication Class.

The cad renderings so closely resemble the sketches that it seemed unnecessary to include the sketches for this project.


1) I sketched the original form until I felt I could create a Fusion 360 model easily

2) Fusion 360 modeling

3) Laser cut

4) Fasten all layers together in designed sets

5) Pin and seam into larger form

Drillrotation project3 v1.thumb
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Drillrotation project3 v2.thumb
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Drillrotation project3 v5.thumb
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Drillrotation project3 v3.thumb
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Drillrotation project3 v7.thumb
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I would like to have been more aggressive with this project but I'm satisfied that I decided to focus on a single joint for this project because it allowed me to learn more about the method for creating a moving joint. My primary regret is that I sowed the layers of acrylic together which allowed for a lot more motion between the layers than I would like in the future.

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