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I am trying to solve the disorganization problem on my desk in studio currently. Right now, I am using tins from hazelnut straws to hold all of my lead holders, pens, pencils, and glue sticks. But I would like to change that with this project because the disorganization causes me to lose certain necessary materials for my work. That lost equipment gets expensive after a while.

Research & Context

I have seen a bunch of different pencil holders in my time. I have even designed one before for myself. While most all pencil holders allow for organization, I have yet to see one that hangs off the side of the desk to create more desk space.

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Aesthetic & Inspiration

Video games influenced my design, specifically Legend of Zelda and Fire Emblem Awakening.

Blade of evils bane.thumb
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Process & Procedure

The initial steps dealt with modeling the specific outlines of these swords and shields. i had to import canvases of these objects and trace over them using the spline, line, and circle tools. The next process dealt with making sure the bottom and top connected. So I ended up altering my design to include three pillars that connecting the base and top so that way they would stay together and the swords and shields could be more aesthetic than structural. However, a minor setback came with printing. My first print didn't completely finish the base and top, so they came out to be these thin platforms instead of having their modeled thickness. So I checked my model and reprinted. Again another setback came into play, when I was coming to pick up my prints, I had timed it so I would arrive slightly before my prints were done, my USB had been removed from the Ultimaker and my prints were no where to be found, the printer had also been printing a completely different job for apparently some time. So without the luxury of being able to reprint again, I decided to use the incorrect prints I already had and create a completely different design. The design consisted using three acrylic pillars that crossed to recreate the top and using the thin platform at the bottom in conjunction with the originally aesthetic pieces to help keep the pencils and pend from falling out when used.

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Five semi-pro photos

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I learned how to use Fusion's modeling program a little bit better as I used webbing when modeling, which I had never used before. I also learned that no matter what hand you are dealt in life there is always a way to play it to turn out alright in the end. Next time, I am definitely giving myself more time to print just in case something else goes wrong.

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