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Write about the big ideas behind your project? What are the goals? Why did you make it? What are your motivations?

Being tasked with creating  a 3D printed object with the intention to hold, I wanted to create a holder that would carry all the important objects that I carry on the daily. This object would eventually hold my phone, my wallet, and my watch. 

Research & Context

[How does your outcome relate to other work in the field? What makes it similar or different to other objects of the same genre? How have other objects failed to solve the problem you have identified?]

I have seen different desk accessories that carry iPhones and watches. These stands seemed very useful and were quite aesthetically pleasing. I thus decided to design mine to specifically hold my desired objects. 

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[Include sketch with as much details as possible, like: approximate dimensions, materials, layers, textures, colors, and aesthetic influences.]

In my sketch, I kept the L-shape that is prevalent in the researched designs. I then adjusted to fit my personal objects. 

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Aesthetic & Inspiration

[What influenced your design? Is there a specific style, art movement, or natural phenomena? Include at least one example. Can be a still image, video, or music.]

I was inspired the existing designs of phone holders. 

Process & Procedure

[Outline your approach to the project. What steps did you take to design, model, sketch, and prototype this projects? What ideas did you generate and how did you refine or reject them? How did you use cutting, etching, scoring? What challenges were encountered and how did you resolve them? Include photos of prototypes, redesigned sketches, design worksheets, and failed trails.]

It took several tries on Fusion360 to create the appropriate dimensions and designs of my holder. I did not realize the restraints of the 3D printers and accidentally made the initial rendering too big for the printers. 

Two Renderings

[Two renderings on complete project styled with finished background, lighting, positioning, reflection]

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Five semi-pro photos

[Five semi-professional photos with care given to context, lighting, staging, scene]

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[Reflect on the process of making this project. What did you learn? What would you do differently?]

I definitely learned a lot about 3D printing from this project. I learned that it takes quite a long time, even when the object is quite small. I learned that 3D printing has a lot of benefits and can potentially create objects in a relatively short period of time, especially objects that are difficult to be made by hand. 

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