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What is it?

Make a Rainbow is an interactive lighting installation that encourages Google employee to exercise while walking through the bridge. It is made of lighting installation with 50 LED light pillar screens on each side of the bridge. 

How does it fulfill all of the Design Requirements?

The installation uses data from Google employees and encourages them to take a break and do some exercise during work. Even for people do not want to participate in the exercise part, they can still see the lighting installation and see how his/her own department perform. For people outside the bridge, they can also see the lighting installation.

User experience

Inside the bridge, there will be a "take a break" section, where allows Google employees to stop by and exercise such as stretch or do jumping jacks, and they will be given an "energy score". Then the score will be added to their own department, which will be color-coded. Throughout the day, the color of the lighting will be changing based on the color of all departments energy score.

Bill of Materials

LED Lights

Scan station motion sensor

Scan station screen

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Prototype Example

In the prototype, we can see that yellow is a more dominant color within the rainbow collection.

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