I did not do any serious embroidery such as satin stitching, just running stitch and back stitch in this project, so the learning curve of the embroidery was pretty low. I chose to embroider the words first, then the lights, and finally finishing embroidery details such as the star connection. The lights were very much a trial and error process: I flipped the positive and negative sides, the conductive thread does not knot as well, and the pattern to make a parallel circuit was difficult.
My embroidery was not perfect and varied over the phrase as I tested out different techniques. For example, I think my "h" in "the" did not turn out very good, but "mine" of "shine" did. I guess this just proves that practice does make perfect. While using the conductive thread I was conscious of how many times it overlapped because I was scared of short-circuiting the circuit but it ended up working out fine.