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This is a phone holder that I made in the past to help support my phone at an designated angel while my hands are busy working on something else. It is cheap and fast in making, but its function is limited. It is also limited to using the phone horizontally.
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The goal is to use CNC processing to prototype a phone holder that is affordable to everyone and easy to carry around. It should be multi-functional: phone holder, speaker/ sound distributor, and pen holder. 

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Its main body is made of 3D printed plastic and the side holders are laser-cut clear acrylic. The main body includes a speaker to create interesting sound effect for music playing. 

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Section 1sketch.thumb
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As shown in the image below, its main body and the horizontal supports on the side are connect by a hinge.  It is a section of the vertical phone holder part with the speaker/ sound distributor.

Section 3 sketch.thumb
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The image below is the pen holder part. It not only serves as a second function but also adds weight to the plastic holder that the phone will not make it fall over.

Section 4 sketch.thumb
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Ideally, the holder is able to be placed on any horizontal  surface due to its small size. 

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Fabrication Process

The image below shows its simple assembling process.

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Final Result

The final prototype turns out neatly. It is very close to the expected result. The challenge would be fitting the hinge into the 3D printed part, since NVBots is not very precise. However, all of its designated functions works. The weakness is that the angle of  horizontal supporter is fixed. In the next prototype, I would redesign the hinge so that the phone could be held in different angles.

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