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Bloom is an installation aimed at increasing energy usage awareness within the Carnegie Mellon community. By drawing attention to energy usage, members of the community will, hopefully, be more conscientious of conserving energy. The installation is best housed in indoor areas and is mountable in a range of locations from hallways to lounges.


Bloom is a mountable installation that brings previously stagnant spaces alive. The installation is made of modular tiles that each contain ten rows of flower-like nodules that can either retract into the tile or advance outward. When energy data is fed into the installation, the nodules react accordingly. Every minute, energy usage data is compared to a recommended usage levels, predetermined by sustainable energy guidelines. If usage is above the recommended threshold, the flowers will retract completely. If usage is below the recommended threshold, the flowers will "bloom". The degree to which the flowers bloom, or the height of which they drop, is dependent on how far below the current energy usage is compared to the recommended energy threshold.

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