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The Idea

Seeing my grandfather suffer from memory loss made me realise how important it is to cherish and remember the past. Not to dwell in it - but remember it, I think that there is a fine line. This project that I want to embark on embraces this idea in the form of a projection device that projects precious moments of the past onto your surrounding areas - so that you may be immersed in selected moments of the past. It is your own, personalised rewind button built for those rainy sentimental days, celebratory days, and for those spontaneous lapses of nostalgia. 

The Execution

In order to create this project, I want to build a machine that is capable of projecting images onto one’s surrounding area, but small and portable enough to ease seamlessly into one’s daily life. In order for the machine to properly be able to spin multiple images around,

In starting this project there are several things that I will need to think about. I will have to experiment with the placement of the mirror that projects these images. I need to think about using a material that is light, aesthetically pleasing and, most importantly, heat resistant.

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