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Creating Silicone Rubber Mold

I created a two-part silicone mold using my clay model as a master.I refined the surface of my clay model and made its details more distinct in preparation for the silicone mold. 

To create the first half of the silicone mold, I covered half of my clay model with softer white clay. This part required a rather delicate touch in order to prevent the two clays from merging with one another. The clay model is placed inside a box I constructed out of foam boards, and white clay is carefully added to the box until only half of the clay mode is visible. 

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After spraying the interior of the box with silicone mold release spray, I poured in my silicone mixture and waited for it to cure.

Once it cured, I removed the mold from the box and separated the white clay from my clay model. This was tedious because some parts of the clays began merging together. 

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After placing the part and clay model back in the box and spraying it, I poured silicone mixture inside to create the second part of the mold and waited for it to cure. 

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Casting Resins

With the silicone rubber mold ready, I made a pour hole, made a neon-yellow resin mixture, and poured the resin into the mold through a funnel. Rubber bands were used to hold the two-parts of the mold together and ensure that the mixture will not reach anywhere where it is not supposed to. 

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The following pictures show my 1st resin iteration of my umbrella handle design. There are air bubbles that can be seen inside the resin, so for my second try, I made sure to use the resin casting pressure pot to eliminate bubbles from my resin mixture.

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I repeated the process and created an orange version of my handle design for my 2nd resin iteration. 

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Again, I repeated the process and made my 3rd resin iteration green. This one has bubbles as well because it did not go in the resin casting pressure pot.

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Refining Resin

I cleaned up, trimmed, and sanded my orange replicated part and tried to make it seem as close to a real manufactured product as possible. I focused on making it more symmetrical and on making the surface as smooth as possible to get rid of the clay-like quality. 

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My resins all turned out pretty well, but next time I should remember to use the resin casting pressure pot so they can be bubble free. 

Below is a photo of the finished three cast replicas of my umbrella handle design. :-)

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