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Rsma hw00 data flow.thumb
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Data Flow Diagram

The data is collected as key words google employees used for searching. The computer uses machine learning technique to classify those key word data into a certain mood. By statistic analysis, we can also get the proportion of different moods. Each mood can be shown in a color on LED installed as a grid on the facade.

Color meaning.thumb
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Color Classification

Different kinds of mood can be represented in different colors as is shown. If one mood set is of great proportion, that group of light will be strong and occupy a large range. 

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Visual Experience

This light system not only provide light source for the people crossing the bridge, but also expressing feelings working inside the building to both workers and passengers. It serves as a media somehow communicating with the environment from inner spaces to outer spaces actively.

Bill of Materials

  1. 360 of Color Changing Smart LEDs, 2520 USD
  2. 1400 ft of wires,  910 USD
  3. Controller (Computer), 1500 USD
  4. Installation and Support Material, 400 USD
Total:  5330 USD
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