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Bakery Square is located in East Liberty, one of Pittsburgh's most historic neighborhoods.  After having received lots of criticism for serving as an agent in the gentrification of East Liberty, Google needs a way to re-excite the public about their company, presence in East Liberty, and technologies.  

In order to accomplish these goals, the revamped Bakery Square bridge will feature a projection of the daily Google Doodle, a constantly updating bright red LED band which will display the current Alphabet (GOOGL) stock trends as a moving minute-by-minute graph of price vs time, and the existing LED display (typically blues and greens) from inside the bridge (pictured) but moved up one floor, to provide more of a backdrop to the displayed Doodles.  

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The interior of the revamped bridge will provide two different atmospheres to employees or guests walking through.  The top floor will feature bright blue and green LED artwork, as shown above.  The floor will be redone to be a sort of reflective, opaque glass -- this should allow for the LED lighting to reflect and immerse the employee in the built environment.  

This floor should serve to either calm (blues) or energize (greens) the employee based on their preexisting mental state when entering the bridge. 

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The lower level would not include any light-related installation.  For the Google Doodle to be projected onto the exterior of the bridge on this level, one-way glass facing the OUTSIDE would be needed so that Google employees would not be seeing a weird, mirrored Doodle.  Instead, the interior would be full of diffuse light, and climate-controlled to match the weather at the Google office which was currently experiencing the most "ideal" weather, or the weather closest to sunny and 75!  

This section of the bridge would be outfitted with the capability to blow a warm breeze on its occupants, but only when the occupant was moving through the space!  In addition, the ceiling would be a reflection of the blues and greens from the floor above, but diffuse as if it was a calming sky.  These elements, plus plant life and natural-feeling light, would encourage calmness and provide a meditative space for stressed-out Google employees.

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Inspiration for fluttery lamps, seen at Arriviste coffee shop in Shadyside.

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Rough idea of data flow from various Google services, through computers, into installation elements.

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Bill of Materials, projected cost: $62,000

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