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Overview: Imagine you’re at a coffee shop. You’ve finished your cappuccino and are ready to head home for the night. But, alas! You miss the bus by a minute and have to wait another 45 minutes (and end up spending another $5 on coffee). Our ambient object solves this inconvenience through a real-time, responsive display that reminds people when a bus is fifteen, ten, or five minutes away. The display shows a miniature bus moving towards a bus stop and reminds people when they should be headed on their way to their bus stop.

Conceptual Design:

Context it operates in: 

It is a casual display meant to be housed in public spaces like coffee shops, libraries, restaurants, etc

What it does: 

A miniature bus “drives” to represent a real bus approaching a nearby stop

How/Why someone interacts with it:

People can casually glance up at the display whenever they want to. These interactions should be completely unobtrusive to their experience at a coffee shop or public space - it simply provides people with relevant and easily digestible information

Brainstorming ideas for project

  • Bill of Materials:

  • Bipolar Stepper motor

  • Bus Cutout

  • A4988 Stepper motor driver

  • Particle Argon

  • Timing Belt and TB pulley

  • Metal rod w/ same diam as TB pulley

  • 2 L-brackets

  • 4 Bearings

  • Wooden planks

  • Super Glue

  • Screws

Design Process:

 Laser cut a bus out of acrylic

• Get timing belt, motor, gears, and plywood to build apparatus bus will move on

• One side of the timing belt is attached to a gear that is attached to a stepper motor

• Other side of timing belt is attached to another gear on a free axis; this is to guide the belt while the other side is being controlled by the motor

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