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Project__MISS is to connect the one you loved with just an addition to watch. Tap one watch, another watch will vibrate. In this way, you can send your love with a simple tap on the watch. 

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Since this device is a wearable, the range of opportunities, times, and settings is limitless as you can use the device just about anywhere you have access to the internet. Interactions with this device follow as such. If you miss your watch partner, you would press down on your watch and it would send a vibration to our partner, to which they could respond with a light squeeze and vibration as well. In the case that you receive a vibration it lets you know your partner misses you and you can respond to let them know you miss them too. Undesired outcomes could arise if one of the watches is constantly pressed or put in a position where it is constantly being pressed, which would lead to the wearable being really cumbersome to keep on.

Code for First Watch

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Code for Second Watch

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There are many instances when you are separated from the ones you love and it's often difficult to find time to visit or call in this busy, constantly changing the world of ours. Project__MISS strives to solve this issue by bringing IoT capabilities to an everyday device - the watch. One light squeeze of the wrist and you will let your partner know that you miss them, interconnecting both of you just a little more. Whether it's over a large distance for someone you haven't seen in a while or someone you see on the daily, but want to let know that you mizz them, Project__MISS is a great way to bring a smile to two people's days. 

Originally, when we came up with this idea, we wanted to create a device that would detect if some pressed down on the watch and then we would use a motor to tighten the watch. However, we soon migrated to the idea of vibration as it is an effective way to deliver a message through touch. In our first iteration, we planned on getting buying a kid's watch and then attach a force sensor and vibrating motor to. Throughout the project, our biggest struggle was actually getting the Particle boards to an interface on the cloud. We went through many iterations of the code and wiring, in order to actually test our device. After failing to interface the boards, our first major change was to design the system to first just work on the only one Particleboard. Once we got the code to work on one device we had to iterate and get it to work on multiple. We ended up spending about 9 hours trying to interface the boards. Once we actually got the boards to connect however, the moment the boards connected, the watches worked as desired. For improvements, we would like to use a portable coin battery and somehow program a microcontroller to imbue the Particle in the watch itself.

Bill of Materials

15 g of 3D printer material

1 3D printer

2 Apple Watch bands

2 Vibrating motors

2 Small Force sensors

3 meters of wire

2 10KΩ resistors


2 Particleboards

2 Breadboards

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