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"Light Cage" is a visual and spatial installation for the Pittsburgh International Airport that consists of two large 24x36ft translucent white acrylic panels suspended from the trusses above. The panels contain vertical channels into which programmable LED light strips are inserted on either end. When turned on, the LEDs produce diffused vertical striping along the full height of the panels. By angling the position of the panels, the installation produces an effect of forced perspective, exaggerating the linearity of the hall.

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The lights are programmed to visualize a smooth movement of intense red to blue color moving down the hall, drawing people into and through the space. The colors borrow from the existing palette of the airport, reinterpreting the red of the trusses and the blue of the atrium floor. The light from the installation casts on both these surfaces, casting intensifying or contrasting accents on both. In addition, the glossiness of the blue floor produces a reflection of the installation, effectively doubling the height of the installation and intensifying the occupant experience.

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