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What does it do?

A device that non lethally shocks a person when they procrastinate doing work. The device would be in the form of a wearable that has access to online data to know when a person has work due and the person’s schedule. It uses an algorithm to determine the most ideal time for a person to complete said work and has video access to monitor progress on the work. If a person decides to not comply with the schedule and slack off instead, rather than allowing the schedule to be changed, it shocks them and forces them to comply.

How the Idea Was Chosen

I chose this idea after thinking about what would be a nightmare device for myself and other procrastinators. One which forces a person to do work with the threat of pain fit that exactly. This device is a friend who is always there and pushes you to finish your work, but also harms you if you decide to ignore it. A caring tyrant kinda.

How it Relates to IoT concerns

One concern for IoT’s is that they can sometimes be coded with an ideal situation in mind. However, people don’t always follow the ideals they try to impose on themselves. People have flexible moods and minds, while not all IoT devices do and even if they did, it might not always comply with what the user is thinking or feeling.

 Design Recommendations

     -A wearable device, something that goes around the neck perhaps.

     -Includes a non lethal shock element (low voltage, momentary pain)

     -Has access to a school/work database to pull up work needed (like canvas perhaps)

     -Is able to tell if work is being done through the camera. Also able to tell if it’s view is being obstructed.

     -Should be able to tell if someone is procrastinating.

     -Vibrate before shocking to warn the user.

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