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Design Considerations

Working with children

-Safety and privacy concerns with IoT

-Identifying what will engage kids with our product

-Needs to be easy to use

Working with parents

-Must be easy for them to use

-They want their children to play outside and escape technology

-Concerned with whereabouts and wellbeing of their children

Working around passerby

-Many runners and others use the space

-Product must be unobtrusive for them

-If they do interact with our product, must not disrupt its intended function

Our Idea

Lit up character that evolves with use of park equipment

-Designed for children as they are the intended users of the space

-Uses technology to gamify the park

Rewards use of park equipment

-New, positive visual stimulus within the playground

-Could be altered to display more characters, or more complex animations

Powered by sensors around the playground

-Unobtrusive and passively discovered

-Modular for spaces beyond Anderson Playground if scaled

Lit sign will be placed in the ground at a central location

-3 Characters, each with their own simple ‘animation’

-Change from sad to neutral to happy emotion as playground is used more

-Will light up different colors to further convey emotion

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 Black box is L10" W8" H12", interior box was L7.5" (approx.) W6.25" and H10" (including clear acrylic panels)

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