Created a blinking LED, connected dimmer & connected color LED (RGB).
I followed the process shared in class as well as in the tutorial. I found re-watching the class recording helpful, since I had some trouble initially understanding where items were getting pinned (which slots in the breadboard). I also found that I had to wiggle my LED a bit to get it to light up the first time. I also completed the 1st part of the optional exercise - setting the dimmer/brightness of the LED via the Internet and included a couple of pictures below. The tutorial for using the RBG LED was confusing for me and I didn't understand what the steps were explaining, so I skipped it.
I had to take my time with this since it was my first time using electronics like this as well as using Particle and Gallery. Watching the class presentation was very important for me, but having the written content in the tutorial was also valuable since it explained in a different way what was going on with the pieces. I feel okay about the setup, but need to see if I could do it again without any guidance to really say I understand what is happening.
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