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I used LEDs, resistors, and jumper wires to form connections on the breadboard and wrote code that made the LED blink. First, I made only one LED blink but later I added a second LED and made them alternate. 

Exercise 0

Making an LED Blink

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It took me a bit of experimenting with the board to understand where and how connections were made. Once I had it working, I changed the placement of the connections to see what would work and what wouldn't and I think this helped me understand the circuits better as I continued through the exercises.

Exercise 1

Modify the program to Blink on and off every 3 seconds

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Exercise 2

Change the program to blink on and off 5 times then stop for 3 seconds

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Exercise 3

Program the LED’s to alternate blinks i.e. when LED 1 turns on, LED 2 turns off, then when LED 2 turns on, LED 1 turns off

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I now have a much better understanding of the breadboard and the potential connections that can be made. I think I have more difficulty with that than I do with the code because although I had never used the Particle build platform previously, for the most part, the code makes sense to me so I feel like I am able to build off of the example code that is provided. My next steps are to continue getting more familiar and comfortable with the breadboard.

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