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The idea of this lab to build communications between two paired Particle devices.

The mechanism is as follows:

Each device will have a loop to test if the button is pushed. If it is, then the device will send out a unique event with its device name.

Each device will also listen to the event sent by other devices. If they received the event name that they subscribed to, they will turn on their fan to respond.

Nut in a shell: Press the button of one device will turn on the fan of the other device.


The circuit and the code are shown below. The circuit of each device is identical. The code is revised from the template from the course website.

Img 3826.thumb
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Below is the demo video.

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This lab is a preliminary requirement for the final project since we need communications between devices. After finishing this lab, we have a general idea about how particle devices talk to each other. The instructions on the course website are very detailed and easy to follow so the lab went smoothly.

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