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Our goal was to pair a tilt sensor with a vibration motor to see if the tilt could start the vibration motor once tilted more than 30 degrees and then stop once it was back upright. We made this connection as part of our exploration work to see which two components were "sturdiest" and reliable in generating a notification on another device.


We broke this down into two key steps -- first, to correctky set up the tilt and vibrate relationship we were seeking followed by networking it through a Particle shared account

Step 1: Confirm tilt + vibrate setup

We started with the tilt and vibrate on one device to make sure we got that part of the setup correct.

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Step 2: Network the devices

Once we confirmed the tilt and vibrate worked on one device, we connected all three devices by moving all our devices onto one new Particle account and updated the code as below.

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Setting up the two working components on one breadboard was manageable; however, getting the networking to work was much more challenging and we needed to reach out to Daragh for help understanding how to structure the code blocks and to use Particle.subscribe and millis ( ) correctly for what we hoped to accomplish. 

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