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The project is about building the connection between two devices. Once A presses a button, B's fan will run at the same time. 


We wanted to test a simple networking project where one device uses a button as a trigger to create a Particle event, which another device responds to using an event handler.

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  • We wrote code for the device with a button to send a Particle event to all other devices that says "MOVE" when it is pressed. The code for the device with a fan handles shared events with the data "MOVE" by flagging the fan to turn on.
  • We ran into some problems with Zhenfang's device being stuck offline and refusing to go into safe mode :(


  • From this project, we created the connection between two devices: the button and the fan. It's quite inspiring since we think it's a good start to really build the internet of things. During the process of coding, we understood more about the 'public-subscribe model' for Particle platform. Also, it's cool to figure out how to use a flag function and an executive function to manipulate the components. In a word, we can take this project as a good start to dig more about the connection between different devices and build more complex interactions.
  • We learned that it's a good idea to keep the publish interval quite short for the trigger device in order to make the experience feel more interactive.

Circuit malika.jpg.thumb
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