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Exercise 1

    •  Light up pixel by pixel then reverse the sequence turning each pixel off one by one
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Exercise 4

  • Add three Particle.function to set the Red, Green and Blue components. Allow these values to be set from 0-255 and as they are set to change all of the pixels on the LED strip to that color.
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Ambient Orb

Part 1 - Function to change color between red and white based on input

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Part 2 - Function to fade color from white to red in 1 minute
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Part 3 - Function to fade color from red to white in 1 minute
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This ambient orb exercise familiarixed me with using millis().  I had a lot of issues using the function in the beginning. Then I realized that the problem was that the time returned by millis() is done by the internal clock in Particle, and it calculates the time since the device began running the current program, and NOT the time lapsed since the function was called. 

I also got more practice creating functions and learned how it can be triggered in the console as well as IFTTT. I realized it is more convenient to keep a block of code as a its own function than putting everything in the setup loop. The downside is that if the function only needs to be called one time, then there needs to be a conditional control in setup to make sure it only runs once. 

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