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The goal of this skills dev was to create an ambient calendar alert, so the neopixel would fade to red 15 mins before a meeting and fade to white when the meeting was over


The process of working with a neopixel was pretty straightforward in terms of the circuit and code. I had the most difficulty making the light fade in and out, and even now I think I could come up with more efficient code in comparison to what I currently have. Additionally working with the IFTTT was initially confusing because I wasn't sure how to initially set it up, but once I got familiar with the website it was easier.

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Overall, I thought this was an interesting skills dev cause I was able to connect it to my google calendar making it seem like a useful device. As I mentioned earlier I would want to clean up the code regarding the fading in and out of the neopixel. While the code I have right now does the job, I definitely think there are cleaner and more efficient ways to do so. I would also want to experiment with IFTTT more and see what else I can connect.

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