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  • 1. The pixels can light up one by one.
  • 2. We can put the interval time for the pixel to light up in the funcKey function. The input is the light interval.

  • 3. We can change the color of the light using the color function. When we input the number <=10, the LEDs will get rid of the green light in RGB, only showing the Red and Blue pattern.

  • 4. Using the IFTTT to send one email, and the light will change color since it calls on one function. 


Firstly I downloaded the codes from the IoT website that can light the pixel one by one. Then I tried to implement the function into it. I looked at the particles library for the syntax of the Particle,Function and implemented the function. I used two functions, one is to change the interval time for pixel to light up. The other function is to get rid of the green (G in RGB) in order to change the color.


1. Change the function name into more intuitive ones will be helpful in the future.

2. Adopting the existing codes from the library, and change them if it's necessary, unlike python, some parts of the code just doesn't make sense and you should just use them like rigid rules.

3. Look up the Particle library if we are lack of the syntax to adopt some new functions.

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