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I first made the circuit by following the diagram of how to connect the servo. The servo has 3 wire to connect. 

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I had to connect it is VUSB instead of 3V3 because the servo needed more power to work. Here is the video below of the servo connected to a particle function!

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To give this servo movement meaning, I took inspiration from Google's Paper Signals project and wanted to recreate an object that signifies whether a stock has gone up or down. This would be helpful if a trader is waiting on when to buy a stock. If they see that it keeps going down in value they may get ready to buy.  

I had a foam core box made for a different project and decided to reuse it to give the servo form. This is a very low fidelity prototype. See the video below!!

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I enjoyed doing this exercise. I really like the meaning behind Google's Paper Signals. It is a very nice way to give tangible form to information. I'd love to take more classes where I do more work with servos and motors in general. 

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