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    • Build understanding of ambience through hands-on exploration
    • Build familiarity with adding libraries and extending functionality in  project
    • Build familiarity with for loops and conditional logic
    • Bain understanding of how to program advanced outputs - Neopixel LED array
    • Finally, create an ambient calendar alert using a neopixel strip - connect Particle device to Google Calendar through IFTTT and display an alert using a Neopixel LED array


  • To carry out the final goal, performed the 4 practice examples to familiarize with the above-mentioned concepts.

    Exercise 1: light-up pixel by pixel then reverse the sequence turning each pixel off one by one.

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Exercise 2: Modify the code to light up blue, then red, then green then white in sequence.

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Exercise 3: Change the code to only light up only one pixel at a time. With each loop move that pixel one position higher. When it reaches the final pixel, restart the sequence at zero i.e. build a single pixel that will continually cycle.

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Exercise 4: Add three Particle.function to set the Red, Green and Blue components. Allow these values to be set from 0-255 and as they are set to change all of the pixels on the LED strip to that color.

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Ambient Calendar Alert Device:

  • Programed the Neopixel Ring to display a cool white by default.

  • Added a Particle Cloud function and used it to connect particle cloud to IFTTT applet.
  • Configured IFTTT to trigger an event based on google calender alert notification and send it to particle cloud function with 'True' command.
  • When the 'True' command is received the particle cloud function, enables the if condition after which the Neopixel starts fading to RED gently over the next 15 minutes. Also, published an event on the cloud "to update the start receiving of calendar alert trigger from IFTTT.
  • Once the meeting start time reaches, the Neopixel starts fading back to default cool WHITE over the next 15 minutes. Again an event is published on the cloud to represent the start of this process.

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Below pics show the sequence of important events of the Ambient Calendar Event Device:

Img 8622.thumb
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Img 8623.thumb
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Img 8620.thumb
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Img 8621.thumb
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Img 8624.thumb
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Img 8625.thumb
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  • It was a nice experience to develop the ambient product through hands-on exploration. 
  • Learned about implementing IFTTT and particle cloud functionality apart from Neopixel programming and libraries.
  • I had faced quite a few challenges while developing this project which made me learn a lot. IFTTT implementation, 'Particle.function argument reading to name a few. 
  • Another important implementation that took time was the millis(). Since it returns the time from the start of the program, I had to call it in the particle cloud function. This made it possible to run this implementation with every trigger event from IFTTT. Earlier it was working only for the first time. 
  • One thing which is a little weird till now is that there is a delay between the google calendar and the IFTTT application. The applet runs either 1-2 minutes earlier or later than the actual calendar alert. I am not sure if the issue is with my internet connection or the IFTTT app, I am still monitoring it to confirm.

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