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This skills development exercise was mainly focused on understanding the basics of a connected appliance to the cloud. The goals were to make a led light blink under a series of rules written in code and connect it to the cloud. 

For me, its interesting to learn about the interconnected environment that surrounds us and understand how it works and the main pieces that make iot a reality. It also helps land the theory seen every week and identify how different networks behave. 

I believe having some knowhow on IoT technologies and design will allow me to involve myself in more technical projects in my work. 


First, I tried understanding the function and purpose of each piece in the toolkit. Once I recognized the materials, I started with the connections and acccount creation of the different softwares.

The first step of building the prototype consisted of connecting the microcontroller to the wifi network and to the particle app. From there I started connecting the led bulbs, jumper wires, etc. until it took the form of the example.

After that, I started writing the code to send the instructions to light the bulb. This is the part were I had the most problems. I still find it difficult to code or understand some of the functions so I took me more time to do the exercises and connect it to the cloud.


The foundation of every IoT device is the microcontroller and this connection is essential for having all the instructions respond to the code.

I think this requires a lot of patience and attention to detail; putting jump wires or resistors in the wrong position could alter the whole circuit.

My areas of improvement are the coding part of the exercises.

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