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    • After practicing the control of a single sensor, an attempt was made to combine photoresistors, LEDs and potentiometers to achieve an LED light that can be automatically turned on when the ambient light is very low, and the user can also adjust the LED brightness through a potentiometer after it is turned on.


Describe the process you underwent to reach the outcome (problems encountered, how you resolved them, as well as, experiments, hacks, tests, refinments, iterations, failures):

I first tried to control a single sensor and potentiometer according to the tutorial on the website, and then combined them to achieve a more complete control mode. During the process I adjusted the ambient light intensity threshold for the LED to turn on or off automatically and made sure that the light was on when the ambient light was dim enough.

Initial Practice of Sensors

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Q: Reflect on the process of making this project. What did you learn? What would you do differently?

There are still many flaws from a design perspective. It is not easy to manually adjust the potentiometer when the ambient light is too low. In addition the threshold value for automatic on or off can be further adjusted.

Next I need to try to conceptualize other types of sensors for application scenarios that are not limited to using ambient light data. I also want to try more output devices, such as other types of LED light sources, and more complex sensor combination patterns.

Code for Skills Dev II:

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