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Skills dev iii circuit.thumb
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Skills dev iii iftt.thumb
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For this project I created an ambient orb that responds to a calendar appointment through IFTT and is customizable in a number of ways. When a calendar appointment is 15 minutes away, the LED's slowly respond to the change, fading from white to red and then back to white. A user can input how long they would like the period of fade in and fade out to be. Additionally, I added a pushbutton to the circuit so that a user can override the color fade. If this button is held for 3 or more seconds the fade is dismissed and returns to the default white.

This was a very challenging project to get the code to work as intended and required a lot of trial and error.


I will continue to try to improve my coding skills as this is the piece that is holding me back the most. I usually feel like I understand what I need to do for each of the steps, but am struggling to implement the steps and have the program act as intended.

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