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The goal of this project is to create a simple connected LED device. There are four iterations of this project:

LAB 1 - BASE SET UP: The foundational version is to pass in some value (i.e. on or off) to turn the the light on or off

LAB 1 - EXERCISE 01: The first exercise, which aims to blink the light on and off three times

LAB 1 - EXERCISE 02: The second exercise, which aims to blink the light on and off a certain number of times, based on the value that is passed through

LAB 1 - EXERCISE 03: The third exercise, which aims to control two different lights. Here, I set up the code such that users can control how many times the duo blink. Basically, this builds on exercise 2 but with an additional light in play.


Describe the process you underwent to reach the outcome (problems encountered, how you resolved them, as well as, experiments, hacks, tests, refinements, iterations, failures)

Given that I don't have any foundation in physical computing, this project was initially very challenging. Setting up the breadboard in such a way that the circuit worked was my biggest hurdle to completing the project. I had to troubleshoot quite a bit to discover why my circuit did not seem to work - and after much poking around on the internet and asking my colleagues, I found that the reason the circuit was not working was because one of the wires was not connected to the 'Ground' node on the Photon chip. I had not realized that one of the wires needed to be connected to ground - I thought it could be connected to any position so long as it was on the 'negative' side of the breadboard.

The coding was simple enough; i played around a bit with the timing (i.e. delay), but other than that, no issues.


Reflect on the process of making this project. What did you learn? What would you do differently?

My biggest learning was after overcoming my biggest barrier to getting the circuit to work:  you need to have the wired connected to ground! I also learned some basic functions that can be used with the Photon computer.

I think I would ask for help a bit sooner - I was stuck on the circuit for an embarrassingly long amount of time.

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