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In this lab, we built circuit for LED and programed to let LED blink in different ways. We also connected it with cloud to control LED remotely.

Exercise 1.1: the LED can blink and off every 3 seconds.

Exercise 1.2: the LED blink on and off 5 times then stop for 3 seconds. Each blink is 0.5s.

Exercise 1.3: Two LEDs alternatively blinks.

Exercise 2.1: call the cloud function to trigger the LED blink 3 times.

Exercise 2.2: pass the number of times to blink remotely and control the LED to blink that number of times

Exercise 2.3: control two LEDs separately and can let them blink a different number of times.


I didn't meet too many problems this time. There was one time that the LED didn't respond after flashing the code. It was because I wrongly passed the led pin.

Reflection & Next Steps

In this project, I got familiar with LED and Arduino, I also learned how to build simple circuit and how to control LED through cloud functions. 

In the future, I can build more complex circuit and use cloud functions to implement more fancy functions.

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