This prototype is connected to my google calendar through IFTTT. The neopixel shows white light once set up. Before an event is about to start, IFTTT will call a Particle.function that fade the neopixel from white to red. After the event has started, the neopixels will fade back to white.
I had to code step by step and test if that part works. I started with lighting up the neopixel once set up and turning it off. Then I lit it up once the Particle.function is call. And then I tested how to change the green and blue value and maintaining the red value so that the light color can fade to red. As a last step, I hook it up to IFTTT.
At first, I coded up everything and it turned out not as expected. As I can't print out anything like in other IDE, I had to go back to test step by step and lit up the neopixel step by step to determine which part went wrong. I could've avoided a lot of laborious decoding by simple test step by step as I coded.