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    • In this project, I used a Servo motor to show an alert about the current temperature range. This range is divided in 5 categories- Very Cold, Cold, Cool, Warm and Hot. The user will input the current temperature in degrees Celcius using the cloud function.
    • Going forward, this can be connected to platforms such as IFTTT to get a real-time temperature alert.


The range of the servo meter was a challenge. dividing the servo meter to show the changes in the temperature. I had to debug and run the code a few times to understand if the range can be differentiated. and how many temperature ranges should I keep to ensure the difference is clearly visible.


This project helped me learn that Servo motor can be used to create unique and easy alerts or notifications for the user. The Google's Paper Signals Project helped me in generating ideas for this project. In future I will develop a cloud connected temperature alert system using a Servo Motor. 

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