This prototype is connected to Donner's so that when I press my button, my Neopixel will light up in sequence and control Donner's Neopixel to blink. When he presses his button, both of our Neopixels will blink.
I first coded up to locally control my Neopixels to light up in sequence when I pressed the button, and turn off when I released the button. And then I tried to publish an event to Particle cloud when the button was pressed. And lastly, I subscribed to Donner's event through webhooks, and call the function to blink the Neopixel when he published an event.
Code and testing step by step has been proven very helpful in several lab practices. I will continue to do so. Setting up webhooks also has been straightforward following instructions, and is very helpful to our final project as well.
I wonder if I could get away with the variable bool doBlink and the function void blinkNP , and instead just call code the blinking part in function void handleBlinkNP.