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The intent of this project is not only to educate the user about different types of astrology culturally, but to make them question what they believe in. Western astrology has become a part of Gen Z fads, which in turn have started to make its ties to reality more obscure. Buzzfeed quizzes about which Harry Potter character you are or which signs should be together make the supposed science behind it harder to see. The goals was that by giving the user 2 different types of predictions from their Western and Hindu horoscope, it might display some shocking or even spooky similarities and differences that cause them to question (or perhaps strengthen) their beliefs.


Both of us had an initial interest in astrology, but more from a critical lens. The initial idea was a GenZ version of the magic 8 ball, almost as a statement of people desperation to find answers in meaningless devices to unanswerable questions. The biggest influence was my parent's beliefs, that I've somewhat found myself subconsciously believing in. They often consult a pundit (guru) for predictions relating to me and my sisters, and many of them have come true. It made me start to wonder if these predictions had any connection to Western astrology. If we could use the two modes of astrology as a film over one another, could it uncover striking similarities and differences that could bring us closer to some "truth"?


The final prototype is an acrylic box engraved with symbols and images from western astrology, with a BLE Sense color sensor, keypad, and thermal printer. The BLE Sense uses a ML library from Edge Impulse to determine three different inputs, each of which leads to a different prediction for the user. The user shows the device either a red (love), green (career), or blue (health) card for their prediction. The keypad is intended to take in the birth date of the user, which is used to allow the device to assign both a western and vedic horoscope to the user. Finally, the printer prints their two horoscopes, as well as the prediction that they asked for.

The final prototype had some technical difficulties that prevented the device from being as fully functional as intended. Firstly, the keypad did not work as intended. Instead, it would send random inputs to the printer, resulting in the printer being triggered at random times. Additionally, we had issues with fully integrating the OpenAI platform with the device. Finally, we had some oversights when designing the physical artifact, which resulted in more of the final project sitting outside of the casing than initially intended. 

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The learning curve for the ML models and OpenAI integration was a bit rough, and still had some difficulties in the final prototype. The process of developing the ML model was fairly simple, but there were some difficulties in integrating the library with the overall code, as the sensor seemed to become less consistent when integrated. The printer was fairly straightforward to integrate, we were able to understand that portion right as it was introduced.

Project log 3 began to get into more of what the physical appearance of the final product would look like, with log 4 having a full model of the final box. Initially, we had a different vision for what the physical artifact and interaction would look like, where the user would present a disk of colors that they created, from which the machine would generate a prediction. We later pivoted to only having the device read simple colors, as we had a shift in concept. 

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Open Questions and Next Steps: 

Apart from the technical challenges that we faced, the conceptual feedback for the project focused around how to make the project feel more spooky. One question was about how the predictions might become more spooky in the ways that they relate both the western and vedic horoscopes.

One interesting question that came up was how can a device like AstroFusion make someone create an interest in astrology for someone who isn’t invested? Astrology is a topic that can be polarizing, but one comment during the review was about how AstroFusion can begin to make these differences in cultural astrological beliefs more interesting.

One piece of feedback that we received regarding the physical device was having the color cards go into a slot, rather than being slid over top of a sensor. Another comment was to consider the physical context of the device, and how one might come across it. This also tied into a comment about having more instructions along with the device, as it is a bit difficult to understand without explanation. 


Aside from receiving horoscope-specific from ChatGPT, we achieved most of our technical objectives. We were able to read in a color, give the person's western and vedic sign, and give them a color-related prediction. However, I don't think we fully created the impact on the user that we wanted. The main issue was that the keypads were so sensitive, they couldn't take in an actual typed birthday because they read a bunch of other numbers in between. This meant the user could not really interact with the device and feel "spooked" at how much the device could predict about them. Although our housing for the device was quite pretty/spooky (in my opinion), we weren't actually able get the components in the housing to create clean and mysterious result. I think the project was received quite well, and interesting to the users because they were learning something new (their vedic sign), but those last few fixes would definitely be needed to fully satisfy our aspirations.

Attribution and References: 

Reference any sources or materials used in the documentation or composition.

For this project, a lot of research was needed! Including all of the class resources (lecture slides and notion pages), we used the following websites: 

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