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Our initial goal was to create a unique dining experience that offers a personalized menu based on the fortune of the day. Since we all share an interest in astrology, we linked zodiac signs with fortune to generate different interactions with dining experiences.

Our inspiration came from Chinese fortune sticks used in temples. People shake a box to get a stick with characters that correspond to a roll of paper that explains their fortune. With access to the IMU, which captures object motion, we opted for using sticks with different wave techniques. The thermal printer made things easier as it can mimic restaurant receipts. By combining these elements, we classified the level of fortune by zodiac sign and assigned different menus for each level of fortune. This is how we came up with the idea for a special fortune restaurant and fortune menu.


We have been contemplating on certain practices and traditions, such as fortune-telling, belief in horoscopes or the Chinese zodiac, that persist because they give us a sense of control and make us feel more capable of influencing things around us. In an effort to take a different approach, we are considering using the same level of unpredictability to challenge this sense of control. Ordering food becomes a game, as you will never know what will be on the menu. Additionally, we will maintain a printed recipe as documentation. Each time you order a drink, appetizer, main course, or dessert, you will experience the same process. Every dining experience is a microcosm of life, with its ups and downs, its highs and lows.  

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To begin with, we tested our prototype by using a TinyML algorithm with an Arduino, which we trained to learn different movements of the stick. After that, we tested the thermal printer by printing different texts and images. Finally, we combined the motion of the sticks with the thermal printer to create various receipts.

To use our system, the customer holds a cylinder object that hides the Arduino and wires inside. We set up a proximity sensor on the Arduino to test if the cylinder object is in use. The customer can then check their zodiac sign element by performing a specific motion with the cylinder. The 12 zodiac signs are divided into four categories: earth, water, fire, and air, each of which is assigned a unique way of waving the cylinder. For earth, the customer rolls it; for water, they keep it calm and still; for fire, they create friction; and for air, they shake it like a fan. The Arduino sensor captures the motion and relates it to a certain level of fortune.

We have set four levels of fortune, ranging from 0 to 3: fortune, lucky, not lucky, and bad luck. For each day, the correspondence between motions and levels of fortune is randomly determined. Depending on the motion performed, the customer receives a receipt with a description of their fortune and an image of the course they can order for that day.

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-  Tiny Machine learning

Since the machine learning of capturing motions takes longer time than we expected to do the training model, we decided to create four motions related to these four elements. After reducing the data that Tomas was going to analyze from the sensor to make a better accuracy model.

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  • Thermal printer

Firstly, we followed the instructions on Notion to test the thermal printer. However, when we tried to print uploaded images, they didn't come out clearly. Despite trying various file sizes, formats, and adjusting image transparency, we couldn't get a clear image on paper. We reached out to Zhenfang and Daragh, who helped us change the charger from 5v to 9v, and then to 12v. With their assistance, we were able to overcome the problem and develop several receipt designs, trying out different layouts, font types, and text sizes. It was an interesting process, and we eventually found a layout that worked well with the images.

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  • Physical prototype

Our original idea was to use Chinese fortune sticks, where the user shakes a box of sticks to receive a stick with characters that explain their fortune. However, we found it challenging to control the box and shake it in different ways. As a solution, we decided to use sticks with four ways of waving directly. To hide the arduino and wires, we developed a cylindrical object that the user can hold.

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Open Questions and Next Steps: 

The comments from Sinan are really interesting and inspiring because we hadn't considered the user experience of this prototype. How does it fit into the context of a restaurant? We need to think about storytelling and spatial design to show how this works in a restaurant setting. The object people hold requires more consideration, as it's too direct and can be more communal. It would be interesting to think about this as a family reunion and create a longer receipt. Leaving a QR code or questions as another way of interaction would also be intriguing.

Furthermore, Daragh suggested that we take it a step further and have a receipt generator, putting some perspective on it. We hadn't considered the future of food, such as food shortages and errors, which is also an interesting perspective to consider.

Mary suggested that we think about the vulnerability of both food and machines. It's possible that we can limit the menu to a list and randomly generate the chosen option.

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This is my first time working with an IMU sensor and thermal printer, which is really an interesting function for us to explore. And the team is really excellent, and we had a clear division of tasks, and the collaboration was great and effective.

The prototype works functionally, and performs as well as we expected. The training model of TinyML works well, and it’s able to tell the right movement. The thermal printer also works functionally and printed the receipt we expected. However, the physical cylinder object for people to hold can be improved. Maybe we can change the shape to make it more comfortable for people to hold. The image of receipt is still a bit vague, which we should spend more time exploring.

All in all, it’s really a wonderful experience to work with this perfect team on this project. 

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