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Ex 1

To make it blink every 3 seconds, I thought I could change the delay value, which slows down the light, and every 3000 ms = 3 s. Code and bread board shown below:

Screen shot 2023 11 01 at 3.33.13 pm.thumb
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Ex 2

I used a for loop that iterates five times, turning on and off the LED with 500ms = 0.5 s. Then I made sure the last delay is 3000ms in total (2500 upon the exit of for loop) and 500 within the for loop. 

Screen shot 2023 11 01 at 3.42.00 pm.thumb
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Ex 3

I mainly re-wired the bread board to add an LED but the code runs the same.

Screen shot 2023 11 01 at 4.29.59 pm.thumb
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I think this lab really helped me get familiar with how to setup a particle and its IDE. I think I'm familiar with how to write code, but this helped me review how to connect the particle with code I write. I'm definitely very unfamiliar with circuits, and this helped me remember the basics. Overall, I think doing these 3 exercises went pretty well for me, and I think one improvement is if I could be more familiar with how a circuit works. 

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