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  • This week, I worked on connecting NeoPixel to Google Calenda using IFTTT. I prompted NeoPixel to be connected to the current time (millis()) and use the minimum loops within the loop() function, enabling smooth fade-up and fade-out effects. I learned to list particle.function with keywords (e.g., fadeUp) and my token account in IFTTT to make NeoPixel behave according to the specified rules when Google Calendar triggers the action.
  • The most challenging part was verifying if it operates as set in the calendar.
  • (1) Occasionally, the particle console button would stop while being inactive, and I only figured out waiting or resetting as methods to reactivate it.
  • (2) Waiting for 3-10 minutes for each calendar setting was necessary, and understanding how the IFTTT real-time applet button functions was confusing me. Pressing this button sometimes seemed to trigger the NeoPixel to turn on, but it wasn't consistent. With TA Zhenfang's assistance, I adjusted the time more than at 18 minutes ahead, for setting 15-minute-ahead alerm on IFTTT. After waiting for about 18-22 minutes, in most cases, I confirmed that it reliably operates as intended.

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  • I attached the wiring image below.  ( Please expand the video window to view.)

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